This was a fertile region for early farming settlements

Pre Roman The Dubunni tribe of the region lived in farms and small villages
1st Century AD This area is on the western border of Roman Britain (Fosse Way)
400 - 1100 Strip farming and field rotation technique: in this area – a great deal of wheat along with barley, oats, peas and dredge (a mixture of barley and oats). Possibly as much as 80% arable farming
1349 Black death epidemic: estimated to have killed 30–60% of Europe's total population. In this area it meant there was a severe decline in population with landlords having difficulty finding tenants to farm the land with a subsequent deterioration in field boundaries and the maintenance of properties
1450 Pasture land yielding greater returns for sale of animals and wool compared with the low return from low priced grain and the reduced cost of labour
Conversion of estates in the area to 90% sheep pasture
About this time the word "field" changed from meaning an open expanse of hundreds of acres of sub-divided strips to the modern sense of an enclosed block of land, varying at this time between 50 and 250 acres
1772 Combrooke Fields inclosed in Act of Parliament
1823 Combrook bought by Compton Verney Estate
1860 Estate homes built
1921 Estate sold by Willoughby de Broke family
1945 Many fields in the area ploughed for the first time since the fourteenth century
1947 Last known date that the Leys was ploughed, part of Green Farm