This page will tell you about the Parish Council Finance
Each year the Parish Council sets a budget and it requests funding, a 'precept', from the District Council. The precept is raised from the Council Tax applied to properties within the Parish. The Parish Council will also try to seek grants where approriate.The Parish Clerk holds the role of Responsible Finance Officer and manages the accounts in line with Financial Regulations, reporting to the Council at our meetings.
If you have any questions about the accounts please do contact the Clerk or Chairman
The period for Exercise of Public Rights was from Monday 1 July - Friday 9 August 2024
The Notice:
- provides a summary of public rights on page 2 of the notice;
- explains that the Annual Governance and Accountability Return will not be reviewed by the nationally appointed Local Auditor since as a Smaller Authority the Parish Council was able to complete a Certificate of Exemption;
- describes how any person interested may examine the Parish Council's Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) and has the right to inspect the accounting records for 2023-24. The notice provides the detail of this process; AND
- confirms the arrangements for any Local Elector to question the nationally appointed Auditor about the accounting record ~this has to be done during the period for the exercise of such rights - i.e between 1 July and 9 August 2024
For a copy of the Certficate of Exemption CLICK HERE
For a copy of the Annual Governance Statement, CLICK HERE
For a copy of the Accounting Statements, CLICK HERE
We are grateful for our Local Internal Auditor completing an Internal Audit of our practices and accounts. For a copy of the Annual Internal Audit Report CLICK HERE
The above Accounting Statements include summary data from the Parish Council's Accounts and compares the figures for the current year 2023-24 with the previous year 2022-23. Where the variance between the summary figures for each year is both greater than £500 and more than 15% then an explanation for the variance is required. For a copy of the analysis of variance CLICK HERE
A bank reconciliation is also required to show the funds held by the Parish Council at 31 March 2024.
For a copy of the bank reconciliation CLICK HERE
You can look at the Parish Council's Summary End of Year Accounts 2023-24 CLICK HERETo look at the Accounts for 2022-23 go to theFinance 2022-23 PAGE
To look at the Accounts for 2021-22 go to the Finance 2021-22 PAGE
To look at the Accounts for 2020-21 go to the Finance 2020-21 PAGE
To look at the Accounts for 2019-20 go to the Finance 2019-20 PAGE
To look at the Accounts for 2018-19 go to the Finance 2018-19 PAGE
To look at the Accounts for 2017-18 go to the Finance 2017-18 PAGE
To look at the Accounts for 2016-17 go to the Finance 2016-17 PAGE
To look at the Accounts for 2015-16 go to the Finance 2015-16 PAGE